Martinique Pink Toe/ Antilles Pink Toe, THE colorful spider in the hobby, usually all keepers have some of these at some point in their collection. whether you start with this species or get it down the road it belongs in the collection. As slings they have a sapphire blue color giving them the nickname "Blueberries", after reaching 2-23/4" they start to loose the blue coloration in exchange for a pink/purple hue on their abdomen and legs. We featured this species on our front page picture, this is among one of the easiest species to breed in captivity and to keep. VERSICOLOR REQUIRES CROSS VENTILATION OR AIR MOVEMENT AND MODERATE HUMIDITY (EX: 50-60%).
Type: Arboreal
New World
Spring is near! shipping is no longer suspended, we will be creating a clearance section and doing a sale for spring cleaning!