Dwarf White Isopods, PERFECT TO COMPLETE ANY BIOACTIVE ENCLOSURE! Generally isopods should be kept between 70-85 degrees, and no less than 40% humidity for all species typically as they are crustaceans that require moisture to breathe through their gills. Isopods are detrivores, which means they feed on decaying and organic matter. with this being said, they need substrate that is nutrient rich and digestible for them. *DO NOT PUT ISOPODS OR MILLIPEDES ON COCO FIBER OR COIR AS IT CAUSES IMPACTION*. Some recommended substrates are, Lugarti Millipede and Isopods Substrate, Reptisoil with calcium powder added, isopod anonymous substrate, or ALL ORGANIC top soil with no additives or pesticides (Use this at your own risk). We also recommend prior to setting up a isopod enclosure with reptisoil that you bake the soil to prevent flower pot fungus and other unwanted fungus. We use 6-10 qt shoeboxes from any department store with air holes and mesh to prevent fungus gnats. We keep one side moist and one side "Wet" without any puddling water or "Mud". (SOME SPECIES DIFFER, REQUIRING LESS HUMIDITY, THAT WILL BE INDICATED BELOW). Leaf litter, sphagnum moss, cork bark or rocks are all good items for hides and food for them. These are also considered "garbage disposals" and will eat most vegetables (avoiding citrus often as it upsets reptiles and inverts stomachs in large amounts) romaine lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, and so much more can be fed to them occasionally. However their primary food source should come from their substrate and decaying plant matter throughout the cage.
Keeper Level: Beginner
Humidity: 60-70%
Breeding Speed: FAST
Spring is near! shipping is no longer suspended, we will be creating a clearance section and doing a sale for spring cleaning!